Arc Community Edition
All analytics features are available to your IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) users for free.
Excel add-in for TM1
Slice is a straightforward Excel Add-in for IBM Planning Analytics powered by Arc.

Cube Viewer
Arc Cube Viewer includes: Support for hierarchies, MDX and native views, public and private views, snapshot, slice and active forms, search bar and more…

Subset Editor
Arc Subset Editor includes all features that you can find in Architect.
It also includes a Search box to quickly find elements and a new way to visualize and edit the MDX query.

History and Favourites
Quickly access the latest objects you worked on in the History tab.
Adding your current development priorities to the Favourites tab helps you stay focused and quickly resume your workflow after an interruption.
All your History and Favourites are quickly accessible from the Home page.

Desktop Application
Arc is available as a Desktop application (Windows only). The main advantage of Arc Desktop over Arc Server is being able to use multiple windows.

Rollup (UDC)
Arc supports UDC (User Defined Consolidation) in the cube viewer. This consolidation is calculated on the fly and can be created in the subset editor or directly from the cube view with the right-click menu.

A quick overview of your main instance settings.

Summary Views
Arc includes summary views that organize your model’s dimensions, cubes, processes and chores.

Easily view and/or cancel sessions.

Quick search
Quicker access to your objects by filtering by types and instances.

Multi-window layout
Just drag and drop the tabs to the side, top or bottom to get your favorite layout.

To Do List
A To Do List tool to help you create list of tasks. Each list contains steps and each step, actions. When creating an action, you can either choose to open a TM1 object or to execute a process or a chore.

Views and Subsets
The Views and Subsets tool in Arc gives you a quick overview of all subsets per views and all views per subset. Replacing a subset in multiple views is now possible with just few clicks.