The complete developer software for TM1
Community (free)
All analytics features are available to your TM1 users for free.
Professional (*)
Analytics plus features that TM1 developers have always wanted.
* Requires a subscription that can be purchased here.
Enterprise (*)
Connect Arc to Pulse to unlock more features:
* Requires Pulse, at no extra cost for customers owning Arc and Pulse
For power users
Arc comes with all the analytics features TM1 developers need such as Cube Viewer, Subset Editor, Summary Views and more…

For developers
On top of all the standard developer features, Arc includes many innovative tools to improve the quality of your applications.

For enterprise
Connect Arc to Pulse to unlock Pulse features and Pulse data inside Arc. We call this Pulse-powered mode “Arc+”
Arc+ helps you with each step of the Application Lifecycle Management process (Plan, Develop, Test, Migrate, Support).