Sep 2, 2021
Getting Started with Arc

Some features will work with TM1 10.2.2 but a number of important APIs are only present in TM1 11+, for this reason we can’t help you if you are on TM1 10.2.2 or earlier.
TM1 REST API Enabled
The TM1 REST API is required for Arc to work, it can be enabled by setting the HTTPPortNumber parameter in the tm1s.cfg file, i.e. HTTPPortNumber=8111. See:
Arc installation steps
When Arc is installed on the TM1 server, installing Arc is very straightforward as it will auto-detect the TM1 instances. However when Arc is installed on a separate server (or laptop) or TM1 instances are hosted on the IBM Cloud SaaS, the installation requires more steps:

IBM Cloud SaaS
If your TM1 instances are hosted on the IBM Cloud SaaS, you should jump to the following article:
Where to install Arc
Arc can run on a single laptop, on the TM1 server, or another server. The following article explains the advantages and disadvantages of each option:
Getting started instructions
Arc requires just a few minutes to set up, just pick the instructions below based on the platform where Arc will be installed: