Dec 1, 2018
Getting started with Arc Server on Mac
Some features will work with TM1 10.2.2 but a number of important APIs are only present in TM1 11+, for this reason we can’t help you if you are on TM1 10.2.2 or earlier.
Where to install Arc
Arc should be installed on the same server that TM1 is running, this allows Arc to access both the ODBC data sources and text files on the TM1 server.
This article explains the steps to getting started with Arc on Mac.
Download Arc for Mac
Download the correct Arc version, in this example we download Mac 64 bits:

To find out if you need 32 or 64bit version, Go to the Apple Menu and select “About this Mac”. If you have a Core Duo processor, you have a 32-bit CPU. Otherwise (Core 2 Duo, Xeon, i3, i5, i7, anything else), you have a 64-bit CPU.
Starting Arc
Unzip the folder
In the example below we copied the file into a new Arc folder in Documents.
Open Mac Terminal
Navigate to the folder where is, using the command cd
Once in the folder, to start Arc type ./ &

If you see the message “Server running on port: 7070”, it means that Arc started successfully.
To access it, opens a web browser and go to the URL https://localhost:7070/. If this is the first time Arc is starting on your Mac you will see this:

Permission denied
If you are getting the following message “Permission denied”:

The 126 exit error code normally means you do not have write permissions at that location.
You can check the permissions by going to the location in question and typing in the terminal:
ls -l
You can also change the permissions with the chmod command:
chmod a+rwx
This would give you as the owner read, write and execute permissions, and everyone else read and execute permissions.
Security & Privacy
If you get prompted the following message: “” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified:

This is due to your Mac security blocking the Arc installation, as the application didn’t originate from the official Apple App Store.
To update your security & privacy setting, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy, under the General tab
At the bottom you should see a section “Allow apps downloaded from”
When apps fail to install they will be listed here and you should see:

Click on “Open Anyway” next to the name
The warning prompt should reappear and you can click on Open.
Trialling or Buying Arc
If this is the first time, Arc starts on your laptop, you will then need to validate your license by either trialling or Buying Arc:
Connect to TM1 instances
Arc uses the TM1 REST API to connect to IBM TM1 and Planning Analytics instances, therefore it can connect to any instances assuming the TM1 REST API is enabled for this instance and the httpPortNumber is open on the server.
To access all TM1 instances on a specific server, you will need to update the adminhost parameter in the settings.yml file:
To connect to an instance on the IBM Could, follow the instructions in this article:
If Arc can’t connect to your TM1 instances:
Check first that you can access the TM1 REST API using your browser.
Double check your credentials (CAM Namespace is case sensitive).
Where to find support?
If you still can’t connect to your instances, create a new issue on GitHub: