Feb 3, 2023

Connecting Arc to Pulse

Starting with Arc v4, you can connect your Arc server to Pulse to unlock many new features in your Arc application, such as Instance/Server Monitoring, Full Model Search, Alerts and Change Tracking. We call this Pulse-powered mode “Arc+”.

This article explains how to connect Arc to Pulse.


Pulse minimum version is v6.2.0

The connection to Pulse with Arc v4.0.0 is currently only working if you are using the default Pulse authentication. If you are logging in to Pulse with IBM ID or Windows SSO, you will need to wait for the next Arc release to use the Pulse integration.

Setting up the Pulse URL

With Arc v4.0, one Arc server can connect to only one Pulse server. To tell Arc, where Pulse is, you need to set the Pulse URL in the Arc settings file (settings.yml).

Go to the Arc directory folder and open the settings.yml file. Then you need to add the pulseurl setting:

pulseurl: https://pulseServerName:pulsePortNumber

⚠️ One Arc server can connect to only one Pulse.

⚠️ The Pulse URL should not end with “/#/”

The Pulse URL is the URL to access the Pulse Web Client.

Getting TM1 instances from Pulse

The easiest way to configure Arc+ is to set usepulseinstances to true in the Arc settings.yml file. Once usepulseinstances is set to true then Arc will get the list of TM1 instances from Pulse. Instead of getting the TM1 instances configuration from the settings.yml file, Arc will get it from Pulse.

Using usepulseinstances is the most convenient way to setup Arc+. As soon as Pulse will be connected to a new TM1 instance, Arc will be able to see it as well.

Setting up the instances mapping

The mapping of TM1 instances is not required if usepulseinstances is set to true.

The way Arc and Pulse structure the TM1 instances is slightly different so you need to tell Arc where to find the TM1 instances in Pulse.

Pulse connects first to a Pulse Monitor (Environment) and then finds all TM1 instances. Arc can connect to an admin host or directly to a TM1 instance via the TM1 REST API. You need to tell Arc in which Environment it will find find the TM1 instances.

Let’s take the following two examples where we have one admin host setup (localhost) and in Pulse, the Environment name is SYDCLOUD01 and one connection with the Environment name called VIRCLOUD01:

⚠️ The TM1 instance name has to be the same between Arc and Pulse.

The Pulse Environment name can be found in the Environments page of the Pulse Web Client under Administration:

Below is an example of a connection with the instance name CRM and the environment name VIRCLOUD01:

connections: – url: https://pulseServerName:tm1RESTAPIport name: crm pulseenvironment: VIRCLOUD01 pulsetracking: true

adminhosts:– url: https://tm1ServerName:5898 pulseenvironment: VIRCLOUD01 pulsetracking: true

⚠️ When the url is the unique parameter of the adminhost or connection, adding the url: is optional. But when you add more than one parameter, you have to add it. That is why when adding the pulse settings into your connections and adminhosts, you have to add url:⚠️

For example, you need to change:

adminhosts:– https://localhost:5898


adminhosts:– url: https://localhost:5898

Setting up object usage tracking

The pulsetracking setting is optional. It is set to false by default. You can set it to true to enable object usage tracking in Pulse. Each time an Arc user opens a cube view or subset editor, this information will be sent to Pulse.

Enabling the Pulse features in Arc

Once the settings.yml file is updated, you just need to refresh your browser and you should see the new Arc+ logo.

To login to Pulse in Arc, you just need to click the Pulse icon in the top right corner and enter your Pulse login:

Different ways to login to Pulse

Arc supports three ways to authenticate with Pulse:

  1. Native authentication: Using a username and password
  2. Windows SSO: Setting Up Windows (SSO) Authentication for Pulse
  3. Using IBM ID to login to Pulse

Using Server Groups

The Arc and Pulse integrations works with server groups as well. Don’t forget to update the pusleurl in the settings.yml file.



If you’ve never heard of server groups, it is a user-friendly way to group your servers and instances:

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