Jul 2, 2017
5 simple ways to be more productive as a TM1 Administrator
The following article describes how TM1 Administrators using Pulse for TM1, can be more productive and deliver better outcomes for their business users.

1. Be Pro-Active
Do no wait for an issue to happen. Pulse for TM1 can send you email alerts before an issue happen. For instance if a TM1 process or chore is taking longer than usual or if the data do not reconcile and many more…
Do not wait that your TM1 users complain to take action, with Pulse you will be the first to know when and where there is an issue.

2. Know all possible impacts
Always keep an overview of even the most complex TM1 models with Pulse’s magic documentation feature including all dependencies. Having current documentation and the ability to view a TM1 model visually via relationship diagrams also means your team can feel confident changing the system knowing all possible impacts.

3. Be confident before a new release
Never forget a TM1 object. When migrating a TM1 object, Pulse finds all dependencies which should be included during the migration.
View changes before migration. It tells you exactly what is going to be updated in the target instance. You can view in details the exact lines of code which are going to be updated.

4. Easily roll-back changes
Pulse gives you total transparency about what changed. Every time an object is changed by either a user or system process, it is tracked and logged by Pulse. There is no need to keep lists of what has been changed in your development environments and in production Pulse can provide the needed governance and transparency.
Quickly rollback changes, Use the rollback feature to retrieve a previous version of TM1 process or rule file.

5. Improve testing procedures
It is fair to say that testing phases are painful for business users. In addition to their daily tasks they have to find some times to test new features before a new release. Unfortunately it often happens that they do not have time to do proper testing. Pulse helps you to ensure that testing procedures have been strictly adhered to by monitoring and tracking the test user’s activity.