A super calculator for IBM Planning Analytics (TM1)
CubeCalc enables you to execute complex finance calculations which are not available natively in IBM Planning Analytics (TM1) such as IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and NPV (Net Present Value).
CubeCalc is a free Python script which requires TM1py and uses the TM1 REST API to connect to any TM1 instances, assuming the REST API is enabled.

Includes the most popular financial functions in Excel:
CubeCalc currently includes the 15 most popular financial functions in Excel. No need to re-code these functions in TM1 anymore. With CubeCalc these functions can now be executed against your IBM TM1 and Planning Analytics data with one simple command line:
How to Calculate IRR in TM1
The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used in capital budgeting to estimate the profitability of potential investments. This is a pretty common function in Excel, now thanks to CubeCalc, with one command line, you will be able to calculate the IRR based on your data stored in your IBM TM1 and Planning Analytics cubes.
In the command line below, the script CubeCalc.py will get the data from the Project1 view of the Py Project Planning cube and send the result into the Project 1 IRR view of the Py Project Summary cube:
python CubeCalc.py –method “IRR” –tm1_source “tm1srv01” –tm1_target “tm1srv01” –cube_source “Py Project Planning” –cube_target “Py Project Summary” –view_source “Project1” –view_target “Project1 IRR” –tidy True
In less than a second, CubeCalc will return the result and send it to TM1. You can compare by doing the same IRR function in Excel and you will get the same result:
The steps to setup CubeCalc and how to run the examples are described in the getting started guide: