Dec 5, 2015
Include Elements & Attributes in Dimension Source Control
By default Pulse only stores the name of a dimension and the types of attributes in source control.
This default setting is great for dimensions that are updated from external systems but for dimensions that are manually maintained through TM1 or xdi sheets it is recommended that you include the whole dimension in the Pulse source repository.
Measure dimensions that are updated manually are a good example of the type of dimension that should be included in source control.
Including the full dimension in the source repository allows elements changes to be tracked, this means each time an element is added, changed or removed you will see who did the change and when.
Attribute values are included in source control but are not tracked as changes are made, this is because attributes are data that isn’t tracked by Pulse.
To include the full content of dimensions in source control follows these steps:
- Log into Pulse with permission to update settings.
- Go to menu Administration -> Source Level.
- Click on the instance of TM1.
- Type the name of the dimension in the Filter box.
- Tick the Include Elements check box.
- Tick the include Subset to track subsets as well.
- Click Save.