Sep 3, 2022
Hiding attributes values in Pulse for TM1 Model Spotlight
By default Pulse is going to store the attributes’ values for all dimensions with less than 5,000 elements in the vcs folder.
The 5,000 is the value of the MaximumElements setting in the Pulse.cfg.
To see the attributes’ values, go to Model Spotlight > Select the instance and then select a dimension from the dimension dropdown.
In the example below, we selected the dimension Account. We can see the attributes’ values in the Dimension Elements section at the bottom.

If you don’t want to show the attributes’ values, you can ask Pulse to not store this information for all dimensions or reduce the value of the MaximumElements setting.
Hiding the attributes’ values for all dimensions
To do that, open the Pulse.cfg file inside the conf folder and set the following parameter to false (It is true by default):
ForceQualifiedDimensionElementsDownload = false
Once the Pulse.cfg saved, you need to restart the Pulse Application Server.
Doing this will stop Pulse from getting the attributes’ values for all dimensions but it is not going to hide the values already stored in the vcs folder.
Removing the *.dimd files from the vcs folder
To remove the values stored in the dim.d files. You need to go to the Pulse for TM1 directory > VCS > git > ServerName > InstanceName select all .dimd files and delete them.
In the example below, we are deleting all .dimd files from the cxmd instance in the SYDCLOUD01 server:

Once all these files deleted, you should execute the documentation in Pulse. When you go back to Model Spotlight, you should not see the attributes’ values anymore:

Overriding this behavior for specific dimensions
You can force Pulse to store the attributes’ values for specific dimensions. To do that, you need to enable Source Level for these dimensions: