Dec 1, 2015



  • How often do you release new versions of Pulse?

In the past we have released major version of Pulse every 6 months, this will be moving to every quarter in 2015 due to number of enhancements being added at the request of customers.

  • How long does it take to install Pulse?

Pulse can be installed in a under 5 minutes and requires no TM1 downtime to get it up and running. You will need to restart your TM1 services before the documentation and change tracking will be fully operational. It is recommended this happens out of business hours.

  • How is Pulse upgraded?

The Pulse upgrade process takes less than 10 minutes and is managed by the Pulse installer. All you need to do is install the new version in the same location as the existing install and Pulse will manage the rest including any uprgrades to the database.


  • What versions of TM1 does Pulse support?

Pulse supports all versions of TM1 from 9.5 onwards.

  • What are the Pulse system requirements?

Pulse system requirements canq be found here.

  • Can I use LDAP / Active Directory for Pulse authentication?

Yes, Pulse supports CAM authentciation which allows any LDAP directory to be used including the Active Directory, see Pulse Authentication Using CAM / Active Directory. Starting now with Pulse v5.7.3, you can now use Windows (SSO) Authentication for Pulse.


  • Can I use my own RDBMS to Store Pulse data?

No, Pulse uses embedded databases to make the installation and configuration as easy as possible. Upgrading is seamless and there is no requirement to open ports or get a DBA involved in the management of Pulse. Since Pulse v5.6, you can choose to use MS SQL Server (2012 and onwards) instead of the default H2 database.

  • What programming language is Pulse written in?

Pulse uses a number of program languages / frameworks:

  • The core low level monitoring and thick client is written in C# on .NET 3.5.
  • The application server, documentation and change tracking is written in Java hosted in a Tomcat Application server.
  • The web frontend is written in JavaScript using AngularJS, Bootstrap, etc.

Pulse features

  • What Are Insertions and Deletions in Pulse Change Tracking?

The Insertions and Deletions represent the number of lines that have been changed. Insertions are the lines that have been added and Deletions the ones that have been removed. When a line is updated the existing line is “deleted” and replaced by a new line resulting in 1 Insertion and 1 Deletion.

  • What is the maximum size of dimension stored in Pulse?

By default Pulse when documenting dimensions will only export the elements and attributes for dimensions with less than 5000 elements. This is to reduce the size of the source control system and to allow Pulse to efficiently document the whole TM1 Model.

This value can be adjusted to include larger dimensions, see this article.

  • Can I compare two TM1 instances with Pulse?

Yes, you can compare two instances by creating an “All” migration package and then starting the execution wizard on the target instance. All changes will then be listed. See Compare Two TM1 Servers Using Pulse for more information.

  • Reasons why you can’t see a TM1 instance in Pulse?
  • Check TM1 bin directory
  • Check user profile settings
  • Check SSL certificates
  • Check the user account which is running Pulse services
  • Check AutoStartServicesOnly parameter in Pulse.cfg

More information in this blog post

  • Reasons why Pulse would not be able to run the update documentation?
  • Check User name and password in Pulse instance settings
  • Check CAM Namespace (It is case sensitive)
  • Restart Pulse services if you added a new TM1 instance.
  • Pulse version prior 5.4.2 does not support new SSL certificates
  • Pulse may not be able to reach the TM1 data folder
  • Pulse can’t find TM1 bin folder

More information in this blog post

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