Aug 3, 2017
Understand relationships between your IBM TM1 objects
As your IBM TM1/ Planning Analytics application grows, your number of TM1 objects is likely to increase as well. It is good practice to clean up all objects which are not used anymore. In a complex TM1 model, knowing which TM1 objects can be deleted could be time consuming.
This article shows the different features of Pulse which will help you to understand quickly all relationships between your TM1 objects and to determine which objects are not relevant anymore.

Interactive Flow Diagram
The Flow diagram gives you an overview of your application, you can easily identify which cubes or TM1 processes are not linked to the others.

You can then highlight a specific object by clicking on it or you can zoom on a specific area to see the object names:

Relationship Diagram
With the relationship diagram, you can focus on specific TM1 objects by including or excluding some objects you do not want to see. It creates a PDF report which you can then share with others:

Technical Documentation
To get more details about your TM1 objects, you can run the technical documentation. It will create a PDF document with lots of information about each object such as description, statistics and all relations to the other objects:

Explore the Pulse databases
To dig even deeper, you can access the Pulse database and with a simple SQL find all relationships. You can then export the table to Excel for further analysis: