Dec 5, 2015
How to Configure Users to Login with their CAM Credentials
The following article will show the Administrator of Pulse to set the validation of users’s credentials with CAM Security
- The reader of this article should have configured Pulse as described in Configuring Pulse with CAM Security
- IBM Cognos BI security terminology
1. Log in as a user with administrator rights.
2. Go to Administration –> Users:

3. Once the Users page opens click on the “New” Button.
4. Enter the correct namespace in the CAM Namespace text box:

5. Fill up, the other details of the user:

Note that the password box will be deactivated and thereby, will not required. Also notice that the user name should match with the one used to log into IBM Cognos TM1 and/or IBM Cognos BI. The image above shows a Cognos installation configured with Active Directory. the Pulse “User Name” must match with the one that is being detected by Cognos and used by CAM Security which in this example is the windows user name “ecarmona”
6. Click the save button.
7. The user(s) can now use his/her(their) CAM/Active Directory credentials to login to Pulse. The CAM Namespace will be retrieved from the user settings when they login.