Jun 4, 2020
Getting started with Arc Desktop for Windows
On Windows, Arc is available as a desktop application or as a server. To install Arc as a server, the instructions can be found here. Arc Desktop and Arc Server have the same features except that it is easier to use multiple windows with Arc Desktop.
Some features will work with TM1 10.2.2 but a number of important APIs are only present in TM1 11+, for this reason we can’t help you if you are on TM1 10.2.2 or earlier.
TM1 Rest API Enabled
The TM1 REST API is required for Arc to work, it can be enabled by setting the HTTPPortNumber parameter in the tm1s.cfg file, i.e. HTTPPortNumber=8111. See: code.cubewise.com/blog/enabling-the-tm1-rest-api
Where to install Arc Desktop
Arc Desktop shouldn’t be installed on the server. If there are multiple developers in your team, we recommend to install Arc Server on the TM1 server. So all developers will use the same version and you will only have to do one upgrade.
Installation steps
This article explains the steps to getting started with Arc Desktop for Windows.
Once Arc for Desktop downloaded, unzip the file and then Run as administrator the Arc.x.x.x.exe file:

Click the Next on the Welcome page:

Accept the license agreement:

Click Next:

Choose the installation location and then click Next:

Click Install (the installer will now install the components):

Click Finish:

Arc Desktop is going to start and prompt the settings window:
Version: Arc version number
Connect Remotely: Set to true to connect to a remote Arc server
Admin Hosts: The TM1 admin host where the TM1 instances are located
Connections: To connect directly to a TM1 instance, add the TM1 REST API URL
Arc Desktop includes one Arc Server. When using Arc Desktop you can choose to use the Arc Server embedded inside Arc Desktop or you can connect your Arc Desktop to a remote Arc Server (set to true the Connect Remotely settings).

Arc Desktop will open:

If this is the first time Arc is installed on the laptop or server, you will have to click on the Start Trial or Buy Now button to get a new license (more information on licenses here).

Click the License Management button for more information on your current license:

More information
Where to find support?
If you still can’t connect to your instances, create a new issue on GitHub: