Dec 3, 2019
Generating the Technical Documentation
With the Pulse Technical Documentation, you will be able to see the relationships between your IBM TM1 and Planning Analytics objects, as well as information about views and subsets to give you a full picture of what the model contains.
You can then add your own commentary to each object providing context for what the system is used for.
Add your own comments
From the Pulse web client, there is a description field that you can update for all your TM1 objects such as


Processes and Chores:

Generating the Technical Documentation
Once all descriptions have been updated, you can then see them in the technical documentation (Reports > Documentation > Technical Documentation), choose what you want to include:

and then click the Generate Report button to create the documentation:

Migrate documentation from one Pulse server to another:
You don’t need to maintain the documentation in all your instances, you can use the Pulse migration feature to migrate the documentation from one instance to another:
Disable footers and headers on large model:
For a very large model, if your techical documentation has more than 1000 pages, you might need to disable headers and footers:
By having an up to date documentation, you will make on boarding of new developers a much easier process, you will no longer have a single point of dependency with all of the knowledge in one person’s head.