Oct 3, 2023

Enabling the approval requests feature to run a migration.

Starting with v6.3.0, the Pulse Migration feature includes a new mechanism to force all packages to be approved before it can be executed.

The main benefit is that any changes migrated to production will be reviewed by at least two persons of your team.

To turn it on, open the Pulse.cfg file and set EnableApprovalBeforeExecute = true. Then restart the Pulse Application Server.

Once it is enabled, a migration package will have to be approved by someone else, before it can be executed into a target instance.

How to see all approval requests

Once the feature is enabled, a new page called Approval Requests will be available under Migration:

Create an approval request

To create a new approval request, open a migration package and then click the Request Approval button:

The Submit Execute Package Request pop-up will open. You then need to select the target TM1 instance, the approval group (they will receive an email that a new request is waiting for approval) and a description.

Approving a request

Everyone in the Approval Group will receive a notification by email.

To approve a package, they need to click the edit button, enter a remark and click the Approve button.

Once the request is approved, the package can then be executed only into the target instance specified in the request.

Approval History

The approval history is available when opening a package under the History section:

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