Dec 3, 2022
Arc settings.yml file
Arc settings file can be found in folder where Arc was installed and it is called: settings.yml.
Connection to TM1
adminhosts: To connect to TM1 instance via the TM1 Adminhost.
connections: To connect to a TM1 instance via the REST API.
timeoutseconds: The number of seconds to wait for Arc to connect to a TM1 Admin Host or REST API
usecamredirect: When using a CAM gateway use redirect instead of iframe
instancestohide: This option allows you to hide instances that have been returned from the admin host but shouldn’t be displayed in Arc
useadminhostname: useadminhostname can be used when accessing TM1 instances on a remote server through an admin host. Arc will replace the IP Address provided by the admin host (which may be private) with admin host name.
Connection to Pulse
pulseurl: The base URL of your Pulse 6+ server, for example: http://localhost:8099
pulseintervalservice: Polling intervals for Pulse
pulseintervalchange: Polling intervals for Pulse
Naming Convention:
processnaming: Process naming is used by Arc when adding prefixes to new parameters and variables.
rulenamingscript: A script to be used to customise the naming of functions and snippets in rules.
processnamingscript: A script to be used to customise the naming of functions and snippets in processes.
portno: The port number you will access Arc on, i.e. http://locahost:7070
sessiontimeout: The number of minutes a sessions will timeout when idle
loggerlevel: The level of logging to display in th Arc console and log file
commandpath: The name of the folder where you need to put the Python files.
serverlabel:A name to display in the menu bar, i.e. development
serverlabelcolor: A color for server label, i.e. “#f5c311”
hideauthorizeduserlabel: Do not display the authorized email in the top bar.
usessl: If set to UseSSL to true the Arc server will run using https instead of http.
sslhostname: If you are using a different host name configured through DNS you can change the name used to generate the SSL certificates.
useletsencrypt: Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public’s benefit.
usesecuretls: Enable the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) response header
usehsts: Enable the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) response header
usecontentsecuritypolicy: Enable the HTTP Content-Security-Policy response header
useiframedeny: Enable to add HTTP header X-Frame-Options: DENY