TM1 Function for TI, SubsetMDXSet

Applies a MDX expression to a public subset.

What is the SubsetMDXSet function?

SubsetMDXSet applies a MDX expression to a public subset. If the subset doesn’t exist, then an error will occur. 

Where can the SubsetMDXSetfunction be used?


What is the syntax for SubsetMDXSet?

SubsetMDXSet(DimName, SubName, MDX_expression);

DimName = Name of the Dimension the subset is in.​
SubName = Name of the public subset on which we want to apply MDX expression. ​
MDX_expression = MDX expression that we want to apply in the Subset.

A demonstration on how to use SubsetMDXSet

Use SubsetMDXSet to set an MDX expression in the ‘All Elements’ subset from the Product Scorecard dimension.