TM1 Function for TI, SubsetElementGetIndex
Retrieves an element’s index in a subset.
SubsetElementGetIndex retrieves an element’s index in a subset. If the element doesn’t exist in the subset, then the function returns 0. If the index is not between 1 and the size of the subset then the function return error and process will be aborted.
SubsetElementGetIndex(DimName, SubsetName, ElementName, StartIndex).;
DimName = Name of the Dimension where subset exists.
SubsetName = Name of the subset from where we want to retrieve element index.
ElementName = Name of the element which we want to retrieve index from the subset.
StartIndex = Index number to start searching from. This value must be between 1 and the size of the subset.
Use SubsetElementGetIndex to retrieve an element’s (Sales Amount) index, demonstrating the result with different StartIndexes.