TM1 Function for TI, ​SubsetElementExists

Checks if an element exists in the specified public subset.

What is the SubsetElementExists function?

SubsetElementExists checks if an element exists in the specified public subset. If an element exists in the subset then it returns 1 otherwise it returns 0. 

Where can the SubsetElementExists function be used?


What is the syntax for SubsetElementExists?

SubsetElementExists(DimName, SubsetName, ElementName);​

DimName = Name of the Dimension the subset is in.​
SubsetName = Name of the public subset. ​
ElementName = Name of the element that you want to check its existence.

A demonstration on how to use SubsetElementExists

Use SubsetElementExists to check if an element exists in the ‘All Elements’ subset from the Product Scorecard dimension. An existing and non-existing element will be demoed.