TM1 Function for TI, SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault

Deletes the Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube.

What is the SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault function?

SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault deletes the Security Overlay cube for a specific cube with a dimension map based on the dimension order in the cube. 

Where can the SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault function be used?


What is the syntax for SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault?

SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault (CubeName, DimensionMap);

​CubeName = cube for security overlay setting​
DimensionMap = dimension order in the cube to be included and excluded in the security overlay with string ‘1’ to include and ‘0’ to exclude.

A demonstration on how to use SecurityOverlayDestroyGlobalDefault

Delete Security Overlay for ‘General Ledger’ cube (}SecurityOvelayGlobal_General Ledger) from TM1 database.