TM1 Function for TI, ProcessAttrPutN

Uploads data to a numeric attribute for a process.

What is the ProcessAttrPutN function?

ProcessAttrPutN uploads data to a numeric attribute for a process.

Where can the ProcessAttrPutN function be used?


What is the syntax for ProcessAttrPutN?

ProcessAttrPutN(NumericValue, ProcessName, AttributeName, [LangLocaleCode] );​

​NumericValue = Value to be set as numeric attribute.​

ProcessName = Process to have the numeric attribute set.​

AttributeName = Name of the attribute to receive the value.​

LangLocaleCode = Specifies the language code the attribute will be loaded (ISO 639-1). If blank or ignored, TM1 will update the base attribute value. Note:  The list of valid LangLocaleCode values can be found on the dimension ‘}Cultures’

A demonstration on how to use ProcessAttrPutN

Use ProcessAttrPutN to upload 42 to the Reference Number attribute, against the TrainingProcess process.