Mar 3, 2019
Using the Trace Calculation
Being able to trace calculation from any cell is a very popular IBM TM1 and Planning Analytics feature. This is now available in Canvas v3.2.0.
Prerequisites: TM1 should be at least PA 2.0.3 (TM1
To access the Trace calculation feature, clicks the context button from any cells containing a dbr function and you will find the Calculations option (as shown below):
A new window will pop-up showing the intersection of the cell. If the intersection contains a consolidation, you will be able to drilldown until the leaf levels to find the rule:
Disabling the Calculations button
A new parameter tm1-hide-trace-calculation has been added to the tm1-ui-dbr directive in order to hide the Trace Calculations option if required.
Trace caluations through the $tm1UI services
The Trace Calculation feature can also be accessible from the $tm1Ui services. The new service is called cellTraceCalculations(instance, cube, element1, element2, elementN, options). More information in your application Help page (http://<serverName>:<portNumber>/<applicationName>/#/help).