Jun 5, 2022

    Using the Report Burster in Slice

    This article explains how to use the Report Burster feature in Slice:

    The Report Burster feature is only available with a Business license. More information can be find in the article below to install your Slice Business license:

    To open the Report Burster parameters, just click on the Report Burster icon from the Slice toolbar:

    The following window will open:

    Step 1: Select the sheet you want to burst. In the example below, there is only one sheet called slice:

    Step 2: Select the parameters

    Click the + button to add a new parameter. One parameter takes the following options:

    • Address: The Cell referenced in a DBRW which is going to be updated by the Report Burster

    • MDX: The MDX which is going to create the set of elements

    • Alias: (Optional) To display instead of the element ID

    Step 3: More options

    Finally you can do the following:

    • Keep or Remove TM1 Formulas

    • Export to single or multiple files

    • Format Excel or PDF

    • Location where the files will be created

    That’s it! Just click Burst and let the magic happens!

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