Jul 2, 2018
Using the Canvas subset editor
Like the cube viewer, the Canvas subset editor (introduced in v3.0.1), is built to generate MDX set expressions. Most of the functionality should be familiar to what you have experienced in Architect or Perspectives: all elements, filtering, ordering, etc.
Use the subset editor to your Canvas page
To use the subset editor in your Canvas page, you will need to use the new directive tm1-ui-subset-editor:
<tm1-ui-subset-editor tm1-instance="dev" tm1-dimension="Account"></tm1-ui-subset-editor>
This new directive contains as the minimum parameters – instance name and the dimension name. To open a specific subset, you will need to add the subset name using the parameter tm1-subset. The tm1-ui-subset-editor has lots of other options, more information can be found in the Help section <Canvas Application URL>/#/help.
Open the subset editor from the cube viewer
From any hierarchy either on rows, columns or titles of the cube view, you can open the cube viewer:
MDX record expression
There is no Record Expression option as the Arc subset editor is always recording the MDX expression. You can edit the MDX expression manually.
The subset editor tests the MDX expressions by executing a query against the }ElementAttributes cube of the dimension. This means that any dimension that you want to use the subset editor against must have at least one attribute. Arc will prompt you to create one if it doesn’t exist.