Jun 5, 2018

Using Arc on the IBM Cloud

This article describe the steps to use Arc with the IBM Cloud from the Remote Desktop System they provide. The instructions are based on using TM1 security mode 5 (the default):

Setting up Arc on the Remote Desktop System

  1. Upload the Arc executable to your Remote Desktop System. The easiest way to do this is to use FTP upload facility.

  2. Create a folder named Arc in your Documents

  3. Save arc.exe to DocumentsArc.

  4. Double-click on the Arc executable to start the Arc server.

  5. Open settings.yml in Wordpad and change the admin host from https://localhost:5898 to https://data:5898

  6. Save settings.yml

Login into TM1 in Arc with TM1 Non-Interactive Account

You must make a request to IBM support to get your non-interactive account setup, more info.

  1. Navigate to the http://localhost:7070

  2. Go to the About page of Arc (top right icon) and tick TM1 Credentials > Store Credentials.

  3. Click on your TM1 instance to login, you need to use the TM1 automation credentials provided in your welcome pack:

    • CAM Namespace: LDAP

    • User Name: customername_tm1_automation

    • Password: password provided by IBM

Give the TM1 Non-Interactive Account Admin Access

After you have logged in you will need to add the TM1 non-interactive user to the Admin group if it hasn’t been added already. To do this:

  1. Login in to Architect with your IBM Id

  2. Right-click on the server: Security > Clients/Groups

  3. Find the TM1 automation user and tick the Admin group box.

  4. Close the browser and log back into Arc.

NOTE: The alternative to using the TM1 non-interactive credentials is to change TM1 to security mode 1

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