Jun 2, 2021
Upgrading Pulse 6
If your Pulse version is v5.x, you should read the article below:
If you are not too familiar with Pulse 6 Architecture you should read first the article below:
This article explains how to upgrade Pulse v6.x.x to a new Pulse v6.x.x release. Before upgrading Pulse, it is good practice to back it up.
Upgrading a centralized Pulse application server

If you have chosen to use a centralized Pulse Application Server to monitor multiple TM1 servers (DEV and PROD), you will have to:
Run the new Pulse installer on the server where the Pulse Application Server is installed. The installer will uninstall the current version and install the new one.
*Upgrade the Pulse Monitor on the DEV server
*Upgrade the Pulse Monitor on the PROD server (repeat this step for each Pulse Monitor)
*Upgrading the Pulse Monitor is not required for each release
Steps 2 and 3 (upgrading the Pulse Monitor) will not be required for each Pulse release. If it is not specified in the release notes then upgrading Pulse 6 requires only one step (1).
Upgrading Pulse on each TM1 server

When Pulse 6 is installed on each TM1 server, to upgrade Pulse 6, you will have to run the installer on each server.