Jul 5, 2021

    Silent / Unattended installation of Pulse for TM1

    Starting with v6.0.2, Pulse can be installed from a script. This article explains the steps to do silent/unattended installation of Pulse:

    1. Download the Pulse installer file (i.e. Pulse.6.x.x.exe.zip) from the Cubewise Forum: forum.cubewise.com

    2. Extract the contents of Pulse.6.x.x.exe.zip to a temp folder. After extraction, it should look like this:

    3. Using 7-zip, extract further the contents of Pulse.6.x.x.exe file. After extraction, it should look like this:

    4. Download the pulse-install.ps1 script:

    5. zip the contents of step 3, into a file named Pulse.6.x.x.zip and place it beside the script attached.

    6. Copy and place your License.xml file beside the script too.

    That should be it!

    In the script, the parameters that need to be updated are at the top:

    $PulseVersion = ‘6.0.2’ $PulseInstallationZip = “$ScriptDirPulse.$PulseVersion.zip” $PulseLicenseFile = “$ScriptDirLicense.xml” $PulseFolder = “$env:ProgramFilesPulse for TM1” $ElasticJVMMax = 512 $JvmMx = 1024 $ElasticHosts = ‘[http://localhost:8097]’ $ElasticVersion = ‘7.0.1’ $KibanaVersion = ‘7.0.1’

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