Jan 5, 2022
Pulse Performance

Just like a doctor visit, your current weight blood pressure and other health metrics are important, but they must also be compared to a historical baseline in order to be truly meaningful. Sudden increases or decreases in weight provide much more information than what your weight is Right Now.
With TM1, these trends and comparisons could take the following forms:
- Is my application as responsive as it was before?
- Does my server take longer to restart or shutdown than before?
- Are alert events happening with increasing frequency?
- Is memory consumption increasing, in which cubes, and at what rate?
- Are the number and duration user sessions increasing or decreasing over time?
- Is the user experience better or worse than before?
- Do processes take longer to run?
- Are certain times of the day more problematic than others?
In the Pulse Web Client, there are three reports which will help you to check the health of your TM1 system:

- Server: Overview of the server performance (CPU, server memory…)
- Instance: Overview of the TM1 instance statistics (CPU, memory, User concurrency)
- System Summary Report: Overview of the health of your system