Jan 2, 2022
Pulse Model Spotlight

In Model Spotlight, you have an overview of your TM1 application:
Configuration settings such as configuration paths, Port number…
You can see the number of changes by author and by day during the past 14 days.
You can see the cubes, dimensions, processes, etc.
You can enter information for each of your TM1 objects describing how they are used and any other valuable information.
Instance overview

You can use the Description field to enter some information about the instance. This field is also available in each object. The Technical Documentation will show this description:

In the details section you can see some configuration settings about the instance:

The last part of the Model Spotlight is the Change History where you’ll find details about the latest changes:

On the right side, you will find shortcuts to navigate through the Pulse features and picklist for each object type (Applications, cubes, dimensions…).
To navigate to a cube, just choose one cube from the picklist:

Cube overview
It is going to give lots of details about this cube:

It is important to enter some information about this cube in the Description field as it will be shown in the cube list and the technical documentation:

Overview and Performance Statistic
In the Performance Statistic group, you will find lots of interesting KPIs such as Numbers (number of numeric cells) and Cells Fed (how many cells are fed). If the Cells Fed is more than twice greater than the Numbers value then there might be an overfeeding issue:

Memory History by Day
With this chart, you can quickly see when a peak of memory happened:

Cube Statistics
Each time the documentation runs, Pulse stores the cube statistics, you can then analyze and check when a specific metric increased. For example if the feeders increased, you could check the change tracking on this date to understand which code line is responsible for this increase.