Dec 3, 2020

Installing the Pulse Monitor on its own server

The Pulse Monitor needs to be installed on each TM1 server.

Follow these steps to install a new version of Pulse, when upgrading from an existing installation you should install Pulse in the same location. The database files and configuration are not removed when Pulse is uninstalled.

The Pulse Monitor can be installed with the installer or by running a command line.

Installing without the installer

The Pulse Monitor is a simple exe file that can be installed without having to run the installer.

If the Pulse Monitor has already been installed, to uninstall it, you just need to open a Windows Command Prompt as Administrator in the Monitor.exe folder and execute the command Monitor.exe -remove

Once uninstall, you can follow these steps to install a new Monitor version:

Step 1: Copy the monitor.exe file from the bin folder of a Pulse 6 installation directory

Step 2: Paste the monitor.exe on the target server

Step 3: Open a command prompt as administrator, navigate to the monitor.exe folder and then type monitor.exe -install to install the Pulse Monitor as a Windows service:

Step 4: The Pulse Monitor service will be available in the Windows Services, you will be able to see side by side the Pulse 5 services (Pulse for TM1 Application Server and Pulse for TM1) with the Pulse 6 Monitor service:

Step 5: Now you just need to start the Pulse Monitor.

To check if Pulse monitor is working you need to go to the centralized Pulse server and add a new monitor:

  • Connecting a Pulse Monitor

Installing with the installer

Step 1: Run Pulse.6.x.x.exe as Administrator:

Step 2: Click Next on the Welcome page:

Step 3: Accept the License Agreement

Step 4: Select components to install (only the Monitor Agent) and then click Next:

Step 5: Select the installation folder and then click Next:

Step 6: Enter the menu location for shortcuts and click Install (the installer will now install the components):

Step 7: Click Next on the Complete screen:

Step 8: Click on Finish to start the Pulse services and complete the installation:

You should now be able to see the Pulse Monitor Windows service:

To check if Pulse monitor is working you need to go to the centralized Pulse server and add a new monitor:

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