Aug 2, 2024
Force Arc users to login to Pulse first
Once Arc is connected to Pulse, you can force Arc users to login to Pulse first. This way you can control who can access Arc, each Arc user will have to be a user in Pulse.
To connect Arc to Pulse, follow the instructions in this article:
Once Arc is connected, you can then use the following setting in the Arc setting file (settings.yml):
pulseinstanceaccessrequired: true
Once this setting is set to true, just refresh your browser and Arc will ask you to login first to Pulse before you can access the TM1 instance.
Next time you want to login to a TM1 instance, you’ll get the red pop-up alert as below:

To login to Pulse; click the Pulse icon at the top as below:

Once logged in to Pulse inside Arc, your users will be able to connect to a TM1 instance.