Jan 4, 2024

Connect IBM Planning Analytics with Snowflake through Atmosphere

Effortlessly exchange data between IBM Planning Analytics cubes and Snowflake tables.

Create or update IBM Planning Analytics dimensions directly from Snowflake.

Export IBM Planning Analytics data or dimension structures, complete with attributes and hierarchies, into a table in SharePoint, ready for utilization in other tools.

💡 How Does It Transform Your Workflow?

Say hello to a new era of unified data and metadata models with Atmosphere. Ensure consistency across your organization’s systems, as Atmosphere empowers seamless data and metadata exchange between IBM Planning Analytics and Snowflake.

Experience the effortless synchronization of data and broadcast of metadata changes between IBM Planning Analytics and Snowflake, all without the burden of custom code. With just a click of a button, dimensions are created and updated based on Snowflake data, eliminating the need for any custom code and significantly simplifying system complexity.

Atmosphere seamlessly integrates this functionality into your existing IBM Planning Analytics workflows and chores, elevating efficiency and streamlining operations.

✨ What Sets Atmosphere’s Snowflake Integration Apart?

  • Direct Integration: Data moves directly between systems, avoiding unnecessary storage or persistence and ensuring data integrity and security.
  • Robust Processes: Atmosphere functions are meticulously crafted for IBM Planning Analytics, ensuring robustness and performance. Atmosphere never deletes leaf elements when updating dimensions, safeguarding your data against accidental loss.
  • Effortless Scalability: Snowflake Integration effortlessly scales on the robust Atmosphere platform as your requirements expand. Enjoy the flexibility to enhance your integration capabilities without sacrificing efficiency, paving the way for seamless growth.

More about Atmosphere

Explore the complete list of Atmosphere Functions.

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