Aug 3, 2016
What’s behind the execution of a migration package
Pulse helps you to migrate TM1 objects from one TM1 instance to another. If you want to know how to create a migration package in Pulse, you should check the following How to.
This article describes what’s happening in the background when Pulse executes a migration package.
The execution of a migration package is split in two phases, first the deletions and then the insertion of changes.
Pulse driven by Source control, will detect the difference between the source and target and remove the objects which are no longer required to be in the target.
For example if you delete a cube in the source instance and then you create a migration package by source control, Pulse will delete this cube in the target instance.
Or if you want to migrate a measure dimension which has 2 elements and in the target this dimension has 5 elements. Pulse will first delete all unnecessary elements.
Insertion of changes
Once Pulse has finished the deletion, it will start to insert or create the new TM1 objects by following this order.
1. Metadata
Pulse will first create all new dimensions as empty dimension. Then it will create the attributes, creates the elements and finally create the consolidations.
Note that Pulse will create first leaf elements and then consolidations, it means that the element index might not be the same between the source and the target dimension.
2 Cubes
Once the metadata step is done, Pulse will create the cubes, then the system cubes like picklist cubes or drill cubes and then finally attach the rules for cubes and element attribute cubes.
3 Processes, Chores, applications and documentation
Pulse will then create or update processes, chores, applications and finally create or update the Pulse documentation.