Oct 5, 2024

Arc and Slice v4.5 is now available

Highlight unsupported TM1 functions in v12

In the Process Editor, a new button has been added to underline in red unsupported TM1 functions in v12

Generate Pulse flow diagram

From a cube view, process editor and a rule editor, a new button has been added to generate the Pulse flow diagram for the selected object.

It makes it easier to see all relationships between objects without having to read the code. This feature is great to clean your code, for example any objects with yellow background are objects which have been deleted but are still referenced in the code.

Easily apply coding best practices

Execute Pulse best practice validations rules on all processes and rules. You can then order the list of processes and rules by the number of failed rules making it easy to quickly find some code that needs to be fixed.

Select multiple objects for Pulse migration

A new feature has been added to make it easier to migrate multiple objects using Pulse. You can now select multiple objects and then click on the Pulse migration button to migrate all objects at once. After clicking the button, Pulse will open and all objects will be pre-selected in the migration wizard.

Generate unit tests

In the Test Hub, it is now possible to generate tests for many objects at the same time. For example, you can select many TM1 processes, click generate button and the Test Hub will create the default tests for each TM1 process. It is a great feature to help you getting started with the Test Hub. Once these default tests have been created, you can then cater these tests to meet your requirements.

and much more…

A complete list of all enhancements and fixes can be found in the Arc & Slice v4.5 release notes: v4.5.1.md

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