Jan 3, 2022
Arc and Slice v3.1 are now available
A new version of Arc and Slice is now available to download. v3.1 includes new features to the cube viewer and subset editor with data spreading, cell annotations, and search by wildcard.
Data Spreading
Data spreading is now available in the cube viewer. Just right click on a cell to open the context menu and click on Data Spread to open a pop-up with all spreading options (Repeat, Proportional, Hold leaves…). Shortcuts are also available for data spreading.
Cell Annotations
Add support for TM1 cell annotations in the Arc cube viewer. It is now possible to add, edit or delete comments in any cell.
Search by wild card
The search by wild card in subset and dimension editors has been significantly improved. Instead of using a *, you can choose the option Contains and the filer will be applied on the active alias.
and much more…
A complete list of all enhancements and fixes can be found in the Arc & Slice v3.1 Release Notes (v3.1.0.md).
Try Arc & Slice now!
Arc & Slice are free to download and includes a three-month “no strings attached” trial license.