Mar 5, 2018

Define templates for new TM1 objects

Instead of starting from scratch each time you need a new object, Arc enables you to create a new object (cube, chore, dimension and process) from templates.

Arc v1.7 introduced a Save template button to save an existing object as a new template.

Once your template has been created, next time you create a new object, you will be able to select your new template:

Follow the steps below if Arc version is prior v1.7.

There are different ways to create a new process using Arc, you can either choose to clone an existing process or create a new blank process by using the create process button in the top right corner:

Type the name of the new TM1 process and click the create button:

By default, Arc will create the new TM1 process with the same default lines as TM1 does:

Update the templates

The template that Arc uses to create a new process is defined in the following file:

  • Arctemplatesprocessblank.json

This file is on a JSON format and it will contain the structure of the new TM1 process, if you haven’t updated this file, it will look like this.

You can see the four main tabs (Prologue, Metadata, Data and Epilogue) all start with the same two lines (rn means go to the next line):

"PrologProcedure": "#****Begin: Generated Statements***rn#****End: Generated Statements****",

Inside the double quotes, you can add new lines. For example we want to jump one line (rn), add a new line where we can add the Process Name (rn#Process Name:) and an other line where we can add the Date (rn#Date :):

rnrn#Process Name:rn#Date

By adding the text above to the Prologue line, your file should look like this:

After saving the file, if you create now a new process, you will see in the prologue tab, two new rows:

Update dimension and chore templates

In the Arc folder, you will find the templates for dimension and chore:

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