TM1 Function for TI, CubeSetConnParams

Sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube.

What is the … function?

CubeSetConnParams sets the connection parameters and encrypt the password for a virtual cube stored in }CubeProperties control cube. 

Where can the … function be used?


What is the syntax for …?

CubeSetConnParams(CubeName, ProviderName, DataSourceLocation, DataSourceName, DataSourceCatalog, UserID, Password, SAPClientID, SAPClientLang, ProviderString); ​

​CubeName = cube name​
ProviderName = provider Name​
DataSourceLocation = data source location​
DataSourceName = data source name​
DataSourceCatalog = data source catalog​
UserID = user name for the database​
Password = Password to be encrypted​
SAPClientID = SAP client ID​
SAPClientLang = SAP language setting​
ProviderString = provider string

A demonstration on how to use …

Use CubeSetConnParams to set up a connection to the Employee cube.